Category: Art
Orc Bust – Finished
I wrapped this baby up with 2 days left on my 30 day Zbrush free trial. Polypainted and rendered in Zbrush. I’m not decided yet on whether or not to get a 3D print of it.
Star Wars Uncut – My Clips
Watch the trailer first to understand what this is: Star Wars: Uncut Trailer from Casey Pugh on Vimeo. Then watch the original of the clip I remade: And here is my version: Star Wars Uncut – Scene 428 from Lucas Hardi on Vimeo. This was so much fun to make. I did it in…
Another Orc Bust, WIP
My first sculpt in about 3 years, the same subject as my last sculpt, but this time Paul Bonner style (still WIP): And an update:
Warhammer Online Concept Art
I found some more pieces that I thought would go well on the site here. These were done between 2005 and 2007.
Max Payne
I’m not a fan of the new look that was recently revealed. Without going back and looking at any of the old games, I did this sketch (less than an hour).