Author: Lucas

  • Game Art Style Presentation

    I gave this talk at BAF Game 2012 and I thought it was worth recording before it left my head. It’s about art direction in video games, or at least how I think about art direction in video games. Since it’s a fairly big subject, this is just my take on it. In 3 parts…

  • Valve is coming to the living room

    Gabe confirms. I wish I hadn’t made my post on the future of the living room so huge, burying Valve on page 4. I suddenly have the desire to update the picture with a companion cube submarine emerging from the depths between the Apple and Google ships. Here’s why we should all take Valve seriously:…

  • Next Gen is Terrifying?

    I don’t think Naugty Dog has anything to worry about. Next gen will be less about a graphical leap than ever before. Sure, the hardware will be much better, but the initial graphical leap in game tech and art will be imperceptible next to current PC games like Battlefield 3. So what’s the selling point? Certainly Sony…

  • Smart TV at GDC 2011

    There have been three bits of news from GDC so far that paint a better picture of how Smart TV will disrupt the AAA game industry in the living room. Once again, Valve is ahead of everybody else in their thinking: Iwata’s Keynote was about a crisis for Game Developers. My Translation: Nintendo is the…

  • AAA Games versus Smart TV

    DISCLAIMER: This is a speculative opinion piece based on public information. These opinions are my own and do not represent my employer. The game industry is about to get flipped. The console in the living room has long been the king platform for games, but these days the living room is different. Only blockbusters like…