Category: Art

  • More WAR and an old High Poly

    A few more of my concepts have made it onto Warhammer Online’s official site, so I picked a couple to post here. I also came across this character Imperator, modeled about two years ago. I figured it was worth posting just to prove that I did some high poly mechanical modeling once upon a time…

  • Skaven Grey Seer

    I saw a couple of my concepts are posted on WAR’s official site, so I figure it’s alright to post the same images here. This is a Skaven Grey Seer and a few variant heads that I did. I’ll post some more another time.

  • An Introduction

    So, I’m starting this site up primarily as a new place to put my portfolio, but I also hope that I’ll find the words to say a few things about the game industry. To get things started, I’m going to post a few images here. More can be found in the gallery link above. This…