More WAR and an old High Poly

Art, Default

A few more of my concepts have made it onto Warhammer Online’s official site, so I picked a couple to post here.

I also came across this character Imperator, modeled about two years ago. I figured it was worth posting just to prove that I did some high poly mechanical modeling once upon a time :)

This character looks a little strange because he was meant to be loaded out with massive weapons on each arm, his shoulders, and back. The players would socket different weapon loadouts on as they wished. Sadly the game was shelved before we got to that bit :)

An Introduction

Art, Default, Text

So, I’m starting this site up primarily as a new place to put my portfolio, but I also hope that I’ll find the words to say a few things about the game industry. To get things started, I’m going to post a few images here. More can be found in the gallery link above.

This is Roland, a character from Stephen King’s Dark Tower books. I made him in my spare time over about 6 months, although I probably only worked about 2 hours a week on average (~50 hours total). I did a high poly model in Max and Zbrush, and textured in Photoshop. All of the shots are real-time using J.I. Styles’ Max Viewport Soft Skin shader. The shader notably lacks any kind of shadowing.

Edgeloops were cut into the lowpoly model in order to have visible creasing in the facial expressions

All shots of this character are screengrabs of the Max viewport using a realtime shader.

The shots would look a lot better if the shader included self-shadowing

Roland from Stephen King’s Dark Tower books.

High poly model. Max and Zbrush – 80% complete.

High poly model. Max and Zbrush – 80% complete.

Head texture flats.