Author: Lucas
Star Wars Uncut – My Clips
Watch the trailer first to understand what this is: Star Wars: Uncut Trailer from Casey Pugh on Vimeo. Then watch the original of the clip I remade: And here is my version: Star Wars Uncut – Scene 428 from Lucas Hardi on Vimeo. This was so much fun to make. I did it in…
Another Orc Bust, WIP
My first sculpt in about 3 years, the same subject as my last sculpt, but this time Paul Bonner style (still WIP): And an update:
Designing The Warhammer Online UI
After spending two years as the Lead Concept Artist on Warhammer Online, I was asked to take over the UI design. It was about 6 months before we planned to release the game, we had completed the bulk of the concept art for the game, and Michael Phillippi was ready to step up as the…
Warhammer Online Concept Art
I found some more pieces that I thought would go well on the site here. These were done between 2005 and 2007.
Max Payne
I’m not a fan of the new look that was recently revealed. Without going back and looking at any of the old games, I did this sketch (less than an hour).